
Saturday, August 17, 2013

A Normal Week

Since my blogs have been chaotic, disorganized, and all over the place, I feel it is best followers know what an average week is for me.


My day starts sometime between 7:00 and 8:00 am.  I wake up and turn the TV on to watch the morning news, which is very similar to the Today Show.  After giving myself sometime to wake up, I start off with a healthy breakfast.  I normally eat Frosties covered in yogurt, glass of orange or apple juice, banana, raisin toast, and maybe a fruit bar. After my morning breakfast, I head out to go surfing around 10:00 at Bar Beach with Jared, Elouen, Carstan, Ulrich, or David.  Depending on the surf, we normally spend 2 hours at the beach before heading back.  Its really nice knowing Elouen, Carstan, Ulrich, Jared, and David because they have a house 5 mins away from Bar Beach.  I can leave my surfboard at their house along with my wet-suit.  Its also nice that they have an outside shower.  I can get all the saltwater off of my wet-suit and body.  After cleaning up, I will sometimes buy a meat pie from the Darby Bakery.  Afternoons are spent in relaxation.  


Tuesday start off around 7:00 am.  Again I get up and watch the morning news with eat my breakfast.  After breakfast I get ready for school.  Before my classes, my study abroad group meets at 11:00 for a group session.  After the group session, I head over to NUSA for some free lunch, which normally includes sausages on a piece of bread and a vegetarian meal.  My first class is ABOR 1110 - Intro to Aboriginal Studies from 1:00 - 2:00.  The professor is interesting and really laid back.  After ABOR, I'll spend time hanging outside or in the Shortland building, which offers a wide variety of places to grab food and relax.  My next class, MNGT 2002 - Business Venturing, goes from 3:00 - 5:00.  After that I head back to the train for the apartment.


Wednesday starts off at 7:00.  I do my normal morning routine of news and breakfast.  Class starts at 10:00 with ACFI 3140, or International Finance, and ends at 11:00.  After ACFI, I head to Shortland to meet up with some international friends for lunch.  After lunch, I waste time by listening to music for my next class.  The next class is ACFI 3140 lecture from 1:00  - 3:00.  After that I head for the train for the apartment.  Wednesday nights are spent out on the town or chilling in the apartment.


Thursdays starts off like every other school day.  I get up at 7:00, watch the news, and eat breakfast.  Class, ABOR 1110, goes from 9:00 - 11:00.  After my class, I head to NUSA for a free lunch, which includes a sausage and some other snack.  Next, I spend time on campus waiting for my next class at 2:00.  MNGT 2002 starts at 2:00 and ends at 3:00.  After class, the Mountaineering Club normally holds a bbq around 6:30.  After the bbq, I head for the train and for the apartment.

Friday - Sunday:

Friday through Sunday are pretty much the same.  Since I have no classes for the next four days,  I spend the weekend surfing at Bar Beach.  If for some reason I have homework, I will spend time on it.
Depending on my food situation, I will take my awesome bike and go to Woolworth's for food. I acquired my bike from Dan the Bike Man.  I paid $73 for it and I will get my money back at the end of the semester.  Woolworth's is pretty much your average food market.  Very similar to Festival or Pick n Save.  It's very expensive though.

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